
Hi I'm Priscilla, I am a young, married, mama to three amazing kids! I am technically a stay at home mom, however, in my "free time" (aka midnight sessions) I design all kinds of different stuff, document my family's life through pics, & am a budding entrepreneur. It all happens after dark. And before you get your mind stuck in the gutter, I am referring to the cleaning, working, designing, organizing, social networking, nightly bowls of cereal, everything... it all turns on after 10:00 pm. I am a wired, late night lady and no matter how early I go to bed, it does not change a thing! I've tried. I end up "nesting" during late nights. Inspiration comes out to meet me then.

I had a very young start at having a family with my now husband, Robert. I often just refer to him as "The Husband" or "My Chef". He loves to cook and is really good at it. So good, that he caters as a side business and I assist him with that. We are "foodies"! We love to entertain, socialize, and connect over new food. Through the grace & power of God at work in us we have a life  & marriage that was not meant for us when you consider how we started out. Regardless, God's plan for us became apparent once we allowed Him the chance. He turns everything around for our good and his glory and we now live the life HE meant for us! We balance each other out and enjoy working side by side in all we do... raising our kids, business, & passionate work for God.

The largest part of who I am is a Mom. I am very proud to call them mine and I am their biggest fan. I follow them around with a camera and by now they expect it! They each have a large personality all their own. The boy is the baby and MY baby because he has it like that! Already at two years old he is a charmer & jokster. He melts many with his winks and grins. My two girls are complete opposites of each other but they are a great pair! I usually refer to them as the Mo & Fro Show because they always come up with a new way to entertain us and often have a new homemade production to put on. Lesseya is the active, considerate beauty and always has the wisest insight on life. Makaila will talk your socks off and is a great conversationalist always! She is the caregiver & helper. I couldnt ask for more amazing kids!

I am the type of person that tends to make tight connections with friends and keeps them over time. I am very social. I love hosting movie nights at home which is usually accompanied by food! I love love love HGTV! I move around furniture and decorate my house to de-stress. I have big hair and I think it may soon need a FB page of its own, but I am learning to deal with it accordingly.

In the many aspects of my life,  the common purpose in everything I do is to reach out and be connected to people. I enjoy sharing ideas, revelations, tips, pictures, humor, and experiences with the intention that it may be of some value to someone else in their life at that time. I have a lot going on at any given time, but that's how I like it. I thrive on being productive, because without God & his purpose in my  life I am a procrastinator. Without God, I am a lot of things that I do not like. However, by taking hold of the realization of who I really am in Christ, I am overcoming and changing each and every day.

In all things I do I am a believer in Jesus my savior. I want all I do to glorify Him and I desire to be living evidence to those around me that he is real and he is Great. Ultimately, I believe that the Lord has given me a vision of many things to come in my life. If others, particularly young women, could grasp their vision & purpose, I just know that their lives would be amazingly different in every way! I am not religious because I am the kind of person that wants to affect others and desires to be effective. I have found that it is through a personal relationship with God that there is true change, true freedom, and true life. I am not the kind to push anything on anyone, but I AM the kind to enthusiastically share good things that have proven to work in my life with others. To sum it up in a nutshell I am able to move forward in all I do because, "I am a royal heir, child of the most high King! I have the mind of Christ, Jesus is my Everything! God Inspired are my desires. I lack nothing for I Am royalty. My inheritance is of a foreign kingdom... I Am HIS Royal P!"

Nice to meet ya! You are welcome to join me along this journey if big hair doesn't scare you away :)