It is a new week once again. I am very glad for it! For me, it comes with much excitement. It is a chance for a "fresh start". I never quite get all the things I plan to get done the week before. So the beginning of a new week always seems like the perfect time to catch up and conquer all my goals... both past & present.
"I will get ahead this time!" I always tell myself.
This past week did not go at all as I planned. Just about everyday hardly went as I foreseen. Last minute plans arose, unplanned tasks got taken on, and almost-forgotten appointments had to be squeezed in. Yet, all in all, a new week rolls in and washes out the old. Time waits for no one.
With much trial and error, I am finally learning to welcome the tides instead of being knocked over by them. Many times as a young, married, mom of three children all under the age of seven, I had allowed life to overwhelm me. When rough days, unfinished work, & crushed plans piled up before me I dragged the heap with me.
These days, I am getting better at just letting go. I have figured out that I will forever be the emotional bag lady if I don't. I have come to know that being a stay at home mom is in fact one of the hardest jobs a person can do. It takes much self discipline, self control, and drive that many working people do not possess. There is no stern boss to make you think twice about lagging on your work nor a training department to assist you with new job duties. Yet, the company inventory is priceless. My children will continue to grow no matter how imperfectly or greatly I handle the job. Life goes on regardless of my ups and downs.
As with motherhood, it is becoming more apparent how I must apply this same understanding to all areas of my life. There is too much to strive for, hope for, live for, move toward, to keep getting caught up in the things that do not go my way. Every time I choose to let go of something that I could have weighed myself down with, it is the opportunity to grasp something new and greater that will produce new and greater results in my life. I have realized that I can not control everything that comes along in my life. But what I can gain control of is myself. And as my Pastor put it, "If you can learn to control yourself, you will then be able to take control of everything around you."
The key is a daily walk with God thru Christ Jesus. He created us to reign. He created us to have authority & dominion. We were created to rule. Rule what? Rule ourselves. If we rule ourselves, we will be able to reign in life. Most of the time people get frustrated because they have no control of circumstances in their lives. Most of the time it is circumstances that we have gotten ourselves into because of lack of control of ourselves. (Mmmhmm, I said it. I know I have been there.) The great thing is that the Bible tells us that we were meant to reign.
Romans 5:17 says, "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ."
What rules your days? Days turn to weeks, weeks to years of your life. Do new days come with dread and overwhelming stress or are you able to welcome them?
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