This evening I had some time to think on things and I just want to give my sincerest thanks to all of you whom have given heartfelt response, encouragement, as well as shown support of me & all I do. With my blog/personal website in it's humble beginnings it means a lot. I am still adjusting, building foundations & playing with ideas. Stepping out and establishing anything in front of others can be an intimidating place to go. Yet, you have made me feel welcomed. Already I feel fulfilled in the main purpose and focus I desire to meet.
I believe that our experiences, ideas, and sharing of our trial & errors can help someone else. Funny stories about a rough day with the kids, ideas about how to overcome the same issue you were going through, relating to someone and making them feel connected.... everyone has something to give and share! I write because I want to connect with others & hope to inspire someone in some way, whether it be just for the day, unto a new idea, or into finally acting on something they were meant for. However, thru unexpected messages with perfect timing or thru overwhelming support in many other ways I have been the one to gain & be greatly affected. Thank you friends for genuine happiness & support!!!
Also, a special Thank You to my cousin Bren who was available for a late night chat and inspired me to go forward with an idea I had and even helped me come up with a clever little name. She doesn't know it, but her words were that extra push that helped me to get over any hesitation I was still holding onto. We are all a supply to someone else at any given time. Let's all continue to uplift one another!
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