Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What's behind that pretty picture- Truth bomb

I am very grateful for my life and share those aspects of it regularly. The purpose is not to attract ooh's and ahh's, but my intention is that it may help others realize the shiny lil treasures in their own that they may be overlooking. I am a stay at home mom. When my coveted "position" comes up in general conversation with fellow moms/women who hold a position outside their homes, I usually receive the general comments such as, "You are so lucky!" or, "You have a dream job." ....HA! *giggle, giggle

My sarcastic, introverted laugh is not to say that I dont enjoy my life or take for granted the arrangement in our family. (Because it is in actuality an "arrangement" that we have chosen in order to create the best, although not always easy, structure that we desire for our family) Rather, I chuckle to myself because of the picture they may imagine. They must think it's all sweet as homemade pie, lounged, kicked up feet, fresh daily batches of cookie makin', empty minded, simple thinkin', leave it to beaver's mama, smooth sailing UP IN HERE! It's not. :)

For these guys it is.

I am not complaining, nor is this a whine. I just want to clarify. Currently,
my windows are wide open because I am disinfecting and shocking the stuffy cloud in my house with crisp outside air (it makes sense in my head). Once again my house is in shambles (organized piles of disorganized mess that I am sorting out) because I have started something that I may not be able to finish in the course of one normal day, but that's what I get for being "overly optimistic". Additionally, it's minimum day, so that cuts things even shorter for my time crunch. Yet, the glory in all this is that I am getting better at managing myself within challenging situations, these days! God's work in my life and my past personal struggles with anxiety & anger are being overcome! My days are filled with chaotic moments, struggles, juggled schedules & mistakes, just like anyone else's. But at the end of the day I can genuinely say that our life is abundant, blessed, happy, & full of love.

Even as adults, we can sometimes lose sight of the blessings in our lives and fall into comparing ourselves to others if we are not mindful of who WE are because of Him. With the bombardment of social networking, status updates, photos & other decorated glimpses into the lives of our peers, there can live discouraging illusions. My personal goal in sharing parts of my life, as is my goal in my writing, is to reach and relate to others. Mattew 5:16 says, "Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. BY OPENING UP TO OTHERS, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." As a believer in the life changing word of God, I desire to share pertinent truth and answers. What I have realized is that my personal journey may be similar to that of another and therefore my victories, experiences, & revelations can encourage another! Basically the "If I did it, so can you" mantra.

I started this blog on my birthday as a sort of gift to myself. I had only been "dreaming" of writing this blog and sharing what I feel I have to give for too long without acting on it. Writing is an outlet for me. This was something just for me. However, when you get the revelation of who you are in Christ and who He is inside of you, things usually turn out to be more than you imagined.

I continue to write and share out loud knowing for now there may only be a handful listening. But I will continue to share and build this into the vision I hold onto, believing that there is purpose in it. In my humor may there be joy for another, in my boasts may there be glory to God, in my experiences may there be wisdom shared, and in all I do may God's will be done through me. I encourage you all to step out in faith, respond to God for he desires much for you, and always share of the great things he does in your life. Keep focused on Him and he will direct your paths!

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